Diese schöne Leuchtrose ist ein einzigartiger Wohnzimmer Schmuck, der jeden Raum verschönert. Mit ihren leuchtenden Blütenblättern ist sie eine einzigartige Dekoration und ein stilvolles Geschenk. Sie ist ein einzigartiger Blickfang für jeden Wohnraum.
Product Description:
Material: wood, plastic
Occasion: Valentine's Day, wedding, Party
Classification: Artificial Flowers
Product Size: 11.5 cm diameter*height 21.5 cm from the base
Power Supply: 3 AAA Batteries (not included)
1. Powered by 3 AAA Batteries (not included). Low power consumption and long service life. Very comfortable to carry with you everywhere. Makes your room more interesting.
2. Rose is a symbol of Love, is ideal not only for gifts to loved ones, friends or Teachers, but also would be awesome as a centerpiece in your living room or bedroom.
3. Creates a bright and romantic Environment for your family dinner, wedding, Party, etc. Great for making Christmas Decorations.
4. Perfect for weddings, birthdays and gifts for Valentine\'s day or Christmas.
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